Philosophical cow dung on the life of little Ms. Imperfectly Fine.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What do you reckon?

Teacher: You're not going to sleep in there, are you?
Student: Why not? They call it the rest room, don't they?

Thoughts playing around my head. What is this that I'm feeling? Am I jealous? Over what, pray tell? I don't even know and that's even more tragic.

He has known her for years. They shared the same career goals, studied in the same university and now they are working in the same building. Yet, he refuses to admit that they are together, he denies whatever assumptions his closest friends have on them. He rarely talks about her, he only gives passing comments.

He has adored her for years. They shared the same interests, studied together for the same goals, and even applied for the same workplace so that they can see each other as often as they could. He did not see any need to declare to anyone that they are together, he answers their silly questions by confusing them with downright lies. He refuses to give in to people by witholding his true feelings from them. The truth need only exists between the two.

He has been her friend for years. They shared the same interests and career goals, they were college mates study partners and coincidentally are currently working in the same building. He dismisses the idea that they were an item because it's not true. He seldom spoke of her because there isn't much to be shared.

I wish I knew what's really going on. Until then, all I can do is use a bit of imagination.

He has known her for years. They were college mates before and are good friends. He likes her, that is true, but only as a friend and both of them agrees and understands this. He doesn't want to encourage people to think that they are a couple because there is a difference between friendship and romantic relationship. They are just friends. He is still single and waiting to find the right girl to change that.

And that right girl might be not-lefty me.

Hey, over here!