Philosophical cow dung on the life of little Ms. Imperfectly Fine.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

what if i never hold you

silently, waiting for you. silently, *watching you. silence wasn't working. silence was a waste.

*silly me, wheeling in the sky. silly me, willing not to lie. singing wickedly off-tuned. sick, weaken by the moon.

so long, wonderful fool. so long, wander off and away with you. soldiers wear stones for hearts. so do jerks with bones for darts.

silly me, wheeling in the sky. silly me, willing not to lie. singing wistfully on truth. singed, weaken by you.

sir, what if i never hold you, would you think this over.

*silently, waiting on you. silently wanting you. silence wasn't worth it. silence was waste.

Photography by

*song version edited on 21st of September, 2007 ;)