Philosophical cow dung on the life of little Ms. Imperfectly Fine.

Monday, December 17, 2007

This is (a new song)

This is
not bizarre.
It's just is
like some things are.

Take your empty hand
and fill it with mine.
And every other thing
will be just fine.


This is
what we need.
Not a promise
but proof of creed.

Take your childish dreams
and share it with me.
And every single thing
we'll make them be.


This is what I want
This is what I need from you
I want what I want
I want what I need, it's you.

Take my hungry mouth
and feed it with your love.
And every other thing
will be enough.


This is what I want
This is what I need from you
I want what I want
I want what I need, it's you.

Words and music by Ana Raffali (anaraffali muzik ent.)