Philosophical cow dung on the life of little Ms. Imperfectly Fine.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I got myself sketched by an artist. I was told by a number of people that it doesn't look at all like me, but like some random old lady. Personally, I like it. I like the idea that what's on paper is how that one person sees me. And others may argue that the mouth is too big or the eyes are too small or the subject is too old, but I'll always be to that person as I was in his eyes.
On another note, I was also told that I look very different in my art photos taken by my photographer friends. The makeup and dresses aside, I believe the reason why I may not look like my ordinary self is because of the person who sees me through his lens. The photographer same as the artist captures what he believes may best represent what it is that I convey through my presence. With a click of that button, I found my self that was always there but people weren't able to see before.